Sun conjunct Venus – orb: +1:58′ | Sun square Uranus – orb: -3:41′ | Sun square Jupiter – orb: +4:34′ | Moon trine Saturn – orb: -1:45′ |
Moon square Neptune – orb: +5:58′ | Mercury conjunct Mars – orb: +3:46′ | Mercury trine Jupiter – orb: +1:47′ | Mercury trine Uranus – orb: -6:28′ |
Venus square Uranus – orb: -1:42′ | Venus square Jupiter – orb: +6:33′ | Mars trine Uranus – orb: -2:42′ | Mars opposition Neptune – orb: -6:58′ |
Mars trine Jupiter – orb: +5:33′ | Jupiter square MC – orb: +6:42′ | Jupiter conjunct Uranus – orb: +8:15′ | Saturn square AC – orb: -2:46′ |
Uranus sextile Neptune – orb: -4:16′ | Uranus conjunct AC – orb: +9:13′ | Uranus trine Pluto – orb: -5:40′ | Neptune sextile Pluto – orb: -1:24′ |
Neptune sextile AC – orb: +4:57′ | Pluto square Node – orb: -0:15′ | Pluto trine AC – orb: +3:32′ | Pluto conjunct MC – orb: +9:20′ |
Update January 16, 2025
I am analyzing this chart for the first time. I can’t really offer an explanation as to why I didn’t do it before now. Maybe it’s because curiousity has won.
This chart has a 2° ascendant which is an indication that it is not radical (not safe to read). However, Saturn is elevated in the chart and at a prominent position, indicating to me that it is safe to read. If I had asked a personal question, I would have attempted to read the chart at all.
Since Trump was a fomer president seeking re-election, I feel his representative is retrograde Saturn. Saturn is traditional ruler of the 10th house and the only ruler of the 9th house. Normally, a retrograde planet is debilitated, but since Trump would be returning to a former position, I consider the debility as inapplicable. Saturn is in face in Pisces at 4°, which improved his chances. Moon is making an applying trine to Saturn from Trump’s 5th house of elections (turned chart with 10th house as first house). This chart indicates that Trump would win the election.
For comparison, this is a horary chart asking the same question in 2020 regarding the 2020 election.
Sun conjunct Venus – orb: +1:00′ | Sun square Mars – orb: -1:06′ | Sun square Neptune – orb: -7:52′ | Moon trine Mercury – orb: -0:10′ |
Moon opposition Uranus – orb: -2:22′ | Moon square Saturn – orb: -4:44′ | Moon trine Mars – orb: +7:48′ | Mercury sextile Uranus – orb: -2:12′ |
Venus square Mars – orb: -0:05′ | Venus square Neptune – orb: -6:51′ | Mars sextile Uranus – orb: -5:25′ | Mars conjunct Neptune – orb: +6:45′ |
Jupiter conjunct Pluto – orb: +1:59′ | Jupiter square MC – orb: +4:44′ | Jupiter conjunct Saturn – orb: +4:53′ | Jupiter sextile Neptune – orb: -5:47′ |
Saturn conjunct Pluto – orb: +6:52′ | Neptune sextile Pluto – orb: -3:48′ | Pluto square MC – orb: +2:45′ |
This chart has a late ascendant which is an indication that it is not radical (not safe to read). Since it is not a personal chart and Saturn is retrograde (returning president), I deem it safe to read. In addition, in my experience, a “too late” ascendant is usually an automatic “no” answer to a question.
Retrograde Saturn (representing returning president) is in the 1st house and rules the sign intercepted in that house. Referencing a thread in a Skyscript forum, interceptions have been interpreted as one giving way to another and Al Biurini’s edict that the sign rulers with the most dignities has rulership of the house. In this case, both Jupiter and Saturn are retrograde. Saturn is in a sign that it rules (traditional) and Jupiter is in its fall. Jupiter, however, is at a critical degree.
Citing a different thread in a Skyscript forum , “quoting from ‘Compendium of Astrology, Rose Lineman and Jan Popelka….. P 58’, …Critical degrees supplement planetary strength and can be the deciding factor as to which of two planets is the more influential. The planet occupying the critical degree is deemed the stronger of the two.”
Moon squares Saturn from the 10th house of high office.
This chart shows that Trump was not going to win the 2020 election.