Solar system
Chicago Outlook – 2018 Summer Ingress – Mars Retrograde

Chicago Outlook – 2018 Summer Ingress – Mars Retrograde

If you do horary charts, you may have learned that often there is information in the chart beyond your question. Sometimes, the extra information is a warning.

This past weekend, a close family member who is learning to interpret horary charts, asked me to help decipher a chart. One question led to another question, which led to this post. The horary chart indicated an event would occur in Chicago around or during the coming Mars retrograde period.  The warning was heeded, but I wondered if the predicted event would involve one person or a large group of people. To find an answer, I cast an Ingress chart for Chicago’s longitude/latitude.

2018 Sum Ing ChiChicago 2

Mars’ retrograde period is between June 26 at 21:04(UTC) 9°♒13′ and August 27 at 14:05(UTC) 28°♑36′. Since Mars slows before it retrogrades, it is at the retrograde degree when Sun reaches 0° Cancer. Therefore Ingress Mars is at 9°♒. This degree conjuncts Chicago’s Moon/Mercury/Neptune conjunction and opposes its Mars/Jupiter conjunction. Ingress Venus opposes Ingress Mars, thereby conjuncting Chicago’s Mars/Jupiter conjunction and opposing its Moon/Mercury/Neptune conjunction. Adding to this is Ingress Jupiter conjunct Chicago’s Saturn and Ingress Uranus square Chicago’s Neptune and Mars/Jupiter conjunction.

The event suggested by the horary chart was an unintentional or intentional action resulting in loss of life. Ingress Venus conjuncts Ingress North Node in the 3rd house of local transportation. Ingress Mars is in the 9th house of long distance transportation and storms. Before I began conjuring up different types of horrible scenario possibilities, I thought it would be a good idea to take a look at ingress charts of past serious transportation incidents in Chicago.

Past Incidents

O’Hare station train crash – March 24, 2014, 2:50 AM(CST) 87.54W 41.58N
Plane crash – March 25, 1979, 2:58 PM(CST) 87.93W 41.97N
Loop derailment – February 4, 1977, 5:25 PM(CST) 87.62W 41.88N
Train crash – October 30, 1972, 7:35 AM(CST) 87.61W 41.84N

2014 Spring Ingress Chicago1979 spring ingress chicago1976 1977 Winter Ingress1972 Fall Ingress

Ingress Venus at 13°♒ squares the Ingress Moon/Saturn conjunction in the 2014 Ingress chart. Ingress Mercury is conjunct Neptune in the 9th house. The Operator of a local train fell asleep and crashed into the station at O’Hare airport. There was no loss of life.

In the 1979 Ingress chart of an airplane crash, Ingress 9th house Saturn conjuncts North Node and opposes Ingress Mars in the 3rd house. The Saturn/Node aspect conjuncts Chicago’s Sun/Uranus conjunction in its 12th house. Ingress Venus at 20°♒ squares Ingress Uranus. It appears the Venus/Uranus aspect played a role, but was not the main culprit.

The Ingress chart for the February 4 1977 elevated train car derailment shows Neptune conjunct Chicago’s Sun in Ingress and Chicago’s 9th houses. Ingress Venus is at 14°♒ and opposes Ingress Saturn. This is similar to the 1979 airplane crash where the Aquarius conjunction was involved, but was not the main representative.

Ingress Venus is at 16°♌ in the 1972 rail collision Ingress chart. Its opposition to Chicago’s Mercury designates Chicago as the location. Ingress Sun/Mercury/Mars/Pluto conjunct in the 7th house opposite Ingress 1st house Moon indicated an event could be expected.

Past Incident Analysis Applied

The 2018 Spring Ingress is most similar to the 1979 Ingress chart. Ingress Venus is in the Ingress 3rd house in both charts. Fixed signs are on the 9th and 3rd houses. Based on the horary chart I mentioned at the beginning of this post, likely event dates are June 26 or July 6.



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