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2022 Spring Outlook, Chicago

2022 Spring Outlook, Chicago

Photo credit: Sandra James
2022 Spring Ingress Chicago Aspect list

It would be great if Chicago’s Spring Ingress chart was reminiscent of a walk in a beautiful garden. It isn’t, though. There looks to be a tough road ahead. Saturn, ruler of the 8th, 9th, and 10th houses of the Ingress chart, is conjunct the MC. From what I have determined, a planet conjunct the MC brings an entity into world view. Uranus, modern ruler of the 10th house, inclines the possible occurrence towards being surprising or unexpected. Venus in the 9th house, ruler of Libra, intercepted in the 5th house, and ruler of the 12th house of the unknown, squares Uranus. This adds to the surprising nature of an event, should one occur, and marks the event as unpleasant.

To get an idea of what type of 9th house event is possible, I found four Ingress charts from past events with Saturn close to or conjuncting the MC. I found one with Saturn ruling the 10th house. I will compare that one to the Spring 2022 chart first.

Fall Ingress 2018, Butte County, CA

This first ingress chart was in effect during the Camp fire in California on November 8. The Camp fire was the deadliest fire in California, claiming the lives of 85 people. It ravaged the town of Paradise and burned 18,804 structures. I will probably never forget the story of the nurse who called her husband to tell him she wasn’t going to make it as she was surrounded by flames. Her husband told her, “Don’t die, run. If you’re going to die, die fighting, you have to run.”

Saturn is almost exactly conjunct the MC in the Ingress chart, there is a difference of only 20 minutes. Saturn is strong in a sign it rules, forming a trine to Uranus in the first house. The fire started due to a “faulty electric transmission line” and high winds. Electricity is ruled by Uranus and Saturn. Wind is usually attributed to Uranus. I normally view trines as positive aspects, but that does not hold true in this circumstance. Here it appears harmony between Uranus and Saturn energies formed a destructive force. It is something to keep in mind for future reference.

Saturn does not form a major aspect to Uranus in the Spring 2022 chart. Uranus squares the Mars/Venus conjunction in the 9th house, ruled by Saturn. Ingress Mars/Venus conjuncts Chicago’s natal Moon/Mercury conjunction and opposes its Mars/Jupiter conjunction. My observation of Chicago’s Mars/Jupiter conjunction in its 5th house is that it tends to coincide with Sports teams winning a top championship. However, only two out of 19 ingress charts for winning seasons were similar to the Spring 2022 chart (Spring 1993 and 1997), meaning a championship win for one of Chicago’s teams is not a likely scenario. Is a fire driven by strong winds a possibility? No. The Mars/Venus conjunction is in the house of storms while Chicago’s natal Moon/Mercury conjunction is in the 11th house of legislation.

Summer Ingress 2008, Los Angeles, CA – Chino Hills Earthquake

The Chino Hills Earthquake did not cause significant damage. No deaths were reported. Saturn and Mars conjunct the MC in this chart, but are not within orb to form a conjunction. Is an earthquake a possible event for the Spring 2022 Chicago Ingress chart? There are no strong correlations to indicate such.

Spring Ingress 1979, Chicago, IL – Plane crash

All passengers and crew died when an engine detached from a plane taking off at O’Hare airport on May 25, 1979. Before September 11, 2001, it was the deadliest aviation incident in U.S. history. In this ingress chart, Saturn is close to the MC, but not within orb to form a conjunction. Saturn is in the 9th house, which rules objects in the air such as airplanes and space ships. Mars is in the 3rd house, ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Similar to the Butte chart, Mars forms a trine to Uranus in the 12th house.

Is an incident involving an object that flies a likely possibility for the Spring 2022 chart? I think the answer is no. Saturn is just inside the 10th house. Mar is in the 9th and Uranus is in the 12th house as it was with the plane crash ingress chart, but the two planets are forming a square. Their energies are not blending harmoniously in order to foretell a destructive event.

Winter Ingress 1917-1918, Kansas – Flu pandemic of 1918

Many researchers believe the first outbreaks of what later was called the Spanish Flu, were recorded in Kansas. Infected soldiers were sent to fight overseas in World War I, where the virus mutated. A deadly version returned to the United States in late Summer. Saturn in this chart, conjuncts Neptune and opposes a Venus/Uranus conjunction. Venus is in opposition to Neptune, but Uranus is not. Moon rules the 9th house and conjuncts the 6th house of public health (2 degrees 36 minutes). Moon rules the 2nd and 3rd houses in the 2022 Chicago Spring Ingress chart; however, it is conjunct the 6th house cusp (4 degrees 36 minutes).

Does the 2022 Chicago Spring Ingress chart show that Chicago will be ground zero for a new strain of COVID-19 or an entirely new virus? I don’t like the looks of this. Before making a final assessment, I will compare the Kansas Ingress chart to the Wuhan Ingress chart and at least one other pandemic chart in my next post. Feel free to comment below about what I have written so far.


One response to “2022 Spring Outlook, Chicago”

  1. […] appears that the first ingress chart I compared Chicago’s Spring ingress chart to was the closest in forecasting the type of event […]

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