As mentioned in an earlier post, the Cascadian subduction zone is due for the release of accumulating energy. An earthquake and tsunami affecting the upper Northwest of the American continent are expected to occur within 50 years according to two articles. The first article, published by New Yorker magazine in 2015, was written by Katherine Schulz. The second article was published this month by New York Times and written by Mike Baker.
Per Schulz’s article, the odds of a big earthquake occurring within 50 years is 1 in three; the odds for a very big earthquake are 1 in 10. Baker’s article puts the odds at 1 in 3 of a magnitude earthquake greater than 7.0 happening within 50 years. The odds are 1 in 9 for a megaquake. ‘Every year that the earthquake doesn’t happen, there’s a higher chance that it will the next year.’ – Chief Hazards Geologist, Corina Allen.
I am sure that scientists wish they could determine an exact date for this expected earthquake; however, that is something they are incapable of doing now. Moreover, should not the year range or odds have changed for the smaller earthquake as 7 years have passed since the first article?
Baker’s article reports that not much has been done in the way of preparation for a tsunami. It is understandable as odds do not translate well to real dates, especially with a 50-year time span. It leaves room for non-scientific methods. That’s where Ingress charts enter the picture. In the earlier post, I found an ingress chart that was similar to one for the last megaquake. Since then, I have selected a period of 3 days I think would be optimal for the occurrence of a big earthquake. With this series of posts, I will analyze charts of cities that are expected to be affected by the approaching event and compare them to the ingress chart.

Seattle, Washington

Seattle was incorporated on December 2, 1869. The time of incorporation is unknown; thus, noon will be used for the natal chart. Notable event dates: Great fire, June 6, 1889; Magnitude 7.1 earthquake, April 13, 1949, 11:55 A.M.; Magnitude 6.5 earthquake, April 29, 1965, 8:29 A.M.; World Trade Organization Protest, November 29-December 3, 1999; Nisqually earthquake, February 28, 2001, 10:54 AM.
While working on an ingress chart for Chicago during the last Mercury retrograde period (it is in its shadow period at this writing), I discovered that this blog can serve as a databank for ingress charts by conducting searches on the first page. Towards that purpose, all the ingress charts of events listed above can be found on the Seattle page.

Regarding the Seattle natal chart, the exact time Governor Alvan Flanders signed the act (pgs 437-455) incorporating Seattle into a city is unknown. Moon’s range was 25° Scorpio at 12 AM, 28° Scorpio at 6 AM, 2° Sagittarius at 12 PM, 6° Sagittarius at 6 PM, and 9° Sagittarius at 11:59 PM. This means Moon is part of the Sun/Mercury conjunction, but may not be part of the Sun/Saturn conjunction.
Event charts show that the Sun/Moon/Mercury conjunction is prominent when major events occur. Planetary positions in the 2033-2034 ingress chart make significant aspects to planets in Seattle’s natal chart, indicating there is a high likelihood of an event during the winter season of 2033-2034. The type and possible severity of an event are what should be examined next. Uranus has been in Cancer twice since Seattle was incorporated (not including the time of incorporation). In the next post, I will analyze those time periods and compare the planetary pattern found in the 2033-2034 Winter Ingress chart to another type of event.
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